Office: 410-515-1199

Our goal is to design a system you are able to easily maintain.
Organization Assistance
​There are any number of reasons to engage the services of an organizer. If you have any of these issues, regardless of your desire to move, you might wish to contact us.
Your papers are in piles throughout the house.
You spend more time looking for things than doing things.
You can’t get into your closets.
You have more clothes you don’t wear than those that you do wear.
You have clothes you have never worn still with tags. You will never wear them.
When you shop for food, there is nowhere to put it.
You are embarrassed to have people into your home.
Your important papers are scattered with no real home.
Your cleaning service can’t clean because of the clutter.
We will help develop a system that works for you. Our goal is not to change everything about your home. Our goal is to help make your life more manageable. Sometimes it’s only small changes that are needed. We work at your speed.
STI is able and qualified to work with individuals who are chronically disorganized.
However - the site must be safe, free of biohazards, infestations, mold, etc.